Invest in Our Community.

Invest in Our Library.

A building project is proposed to address outdated and aging components in the library’s 50-year-old building, add space to accommodate more library users, programs, and collection needs, and enhance accessibility and environmental sustainability.

INVEST IN YES on Thursday, December 12

9:00am to 9:00pm at the Bethlehem Public Library


  • The HVAC systems have been repaired far beyond their functional life and are no longer serving their function efficiently.  The proposed improvements employ sustainable best practices.

  • The library’s elevator is no longer functional, and replacement is not cost effective.

  • Deferred maintenance of flooring, furniture, and shelving is overdue to be addressed.



  • Better serving Bethlehem’s aging population and those with mobility issues by moving the entrance closer to the parking area and accessible parking spaces.

  • Providing a dedicated pickup lane and window for safe curbside pick-up.

  • Increasing the number of parking spaces to cut down on congestion in the lot during popular times.

… for Books

  • More shelf space will allow the library to expand the physical collection, decreasing wait times for popular items.

for Programs

  • Librarians are currently unable to host some popular programs and author events because the largest indoor space at the library can only accommodate 100 people.

… for Kids

  • Young families are seeking more space for kids to learn, read, and play together, without interfering with other library users.

for Teens

  • The library currently lacks an appropriate area to engage teens looking for an indoor space that isn’t home or school.

for Community

  • Town-wide, Bethlehem has a limited number of large meeting spaces for public groups, and most require a fee. Currently, the town and the school district are not offering gathering spaces to the public.

  • More study rooms are needed; they are frequently all in use.  Study rooms are utilized by teachers tutoring students, by students gathering to study together, and by individuals conducting business meetings.

  • Appropriate quiet spaces for all readers will be more protected from the busier parts of the library.

Project Purpose

To position the Bethlehem Public Library as a community resource that is accessible to all, offering modern programming in a mindful environment that’s nestled within the fabric of the community. Designed in a way that’s welcoming, simple to navigate, modern, and adaptable to a variety of programs, both inside the library and throughout the site. Optimizing the library so that both patrons and staff have cohesive environments to suit their evolving needs, and to support the next generation of collaboration, discovery and learning.


  • The library is in need of urgent repairs and has not been significantly updated in 50 years.

  • The library contains asbestos in public areas which must be removed safely.

  • The fire and security systems are dangerously outdated.

Your vote of support is critically needed - if everyone who supports the library turns out and votes, we can pass the bond and ensure that the next generation of our community has a functional and thriving library.

Why Vote YES

Cost Return to the Community

  • Adequate community meeting spaces

  • Increased volume of library materials

  • Additional program space for children, teens, and adults

  • A safe and healthy environment for all patrons